What Exactly Constitutes a Dental Emergency?

What Exactly Constitutes a Dental Emergency?

Do you know what dental issues require emergency treatment? Knowing when to call your Dallas and DeSoto dentist, Dr. Solarin of Lantern Dental Clinic, can help protect your smile in the event of a dental emergency. If you experience any of these issues, don't hesitate to call.

Knocked out or loose tooth

Minutes matter if your tooth has been knocked out. If you arrive at the Dallas or DeSoto dental office within an hour or so after your accident, your dentist may be able to re-implant your tooth.

Before you make the trip to the office, rinse your tooth and place it back in the socket if you can. If it doesn't fit, place the tooth between your cheek or gum or put in a closed container covered by your saliva or milk.

It's also important to make a dental emergency call if an accident or blow to the face loosens a tooth. Gently move the tooth back into place if possible if it has shifted.

Broken tooth

Blows to the face, car accidents and other types of trauma may break teeth, causing considerable pain.

If you can find the broken pieces of your teeth, put them in a resealable plastic bag with a damp paper towel. In some cases, it may be possible to reattach the broken parts of your teeth.


Call the dentist immediately if you experience cuts to your mouth, tongue, lips or face. Press a clean cloth against the lacerations to slow the bleeding.

Dental abscess

A dental abscess occurs due to a bacterial infection in your tooth pulp. The abscess can cause severe, throbbing pain in your tooth and jaw. Abscesses can jeopardize your general health if bacteria enter your bloodstream and circulate throughout your body.

In addition to pain, the signs and symptoms of abscesses include swollen lymph glands, fever, gum swelling, pus on your gum, or a bump on the gum surrounding the tooth.

Prompt treatment is essential if you have a dental emergency. Call your dentist in Dallas and DeSoto, TX, Dr. Solarin of Lantern Dental Clinic to schedule your emergency appointment. Dial (972) 274-9300 for the DeSota office and (214) 374-7100 for the Dallas office.

Contact Us

Lantern Dental

DeSoto, TX Dentist

412 E Pleasant Run Rd

Desoto, TX 75115-3936
